What's that white ribbon on your stomach?

It is National White Ribbon Against Pornography Month (N-WRAP-M, I guess), and in honor of antiporn crusaders everywhere I hereby post two new Journal Entries. Well, one really, but it got really big so I split in half like a cheap publisher trying to double his annual title count.

Sting (the rock star) once said that he never finished a story, he just abandoned them. I've twisted and tilted at my Gabrielle story long enough, and I can't find any reason to hold it back anymore. I'm pleased with this story for its proficiency, but since it's been in my archive for more than ten years it has certain political and personal overtones that really don't correspond with my current bents. Still, it's good bad space opera. Enjoy!

Warning, this story is one of those rare ones (in the Journal Entries universe) that includes references to nonconsensual sex, interpersonal violence, and several acts outright homicide by nominal "good guys."

Earlier: Writing 102: Mind the Gap

Later: Story frustration. May contain spoilers.