The new story has now gone up. Kaede & Eshi return to Alphaville and it's Eshi's turn to freak out over her inability to reconcile Kaede and her mother. Fun and Angst for the Whole Family!
I'd like to apologize for it not going live earlier than this; I found a small bug in my 'addstorytodatabase' code. It takes an argument that is the number of days into the future that I want the story to be made available; unfortunately, that time is, as computers times always are, stored as seconds. So when I said I wanted this story posted three days from now, the computer said, "Oh, you mean 3 * 86400 seconds from now," "now" being some time in the late afternoon.
The database has been updated. All numbers for dates today and later have been rounded down to midnight, United States Pacific Standard Time, and stories will be going live then from now on.