Getting back on the horse...

Having been laid off has been something of a curious mix for me.  My day so far has evolved into something like this: Get up around 6:30.  Get the kids out the door by 8.  From 8:30 am to 10:00 am I do the serious job searching: I answer emails, look up job listing, contact recruiters, send out resumes and deal.  I take a break from 10:00 to about 10:30, and then work more on the job search until noon.  Omaha and I usually break for lunch together.  In the afternoon, I do another 90 minutes of work, this time on my portfolio projects, and then another break, then another 90 minutes.

Unfortunately, that doesn't leave much time for writing.  Even without the commute, because I'm home I have to deal with the kids when they leave and get back: packing lunches, getting dressed, and then homework and extracurricular activities.

But I did find time to write this evening, and did about a thousand words.  It's a centaur/centaur scene between two of my green-furred foxtaurs, one of whom has revealed a terrible secret ("We're not the same species anymore"), and the other of whom is about to reveal, not so much a secret as a terrible cultural defect.

If only I didn't hear Shatner's voice every time the male lead opened his mouth.  But it's nice to be writing again.

Earlier: Thinking about magic systems...

Later: And so, a story is consigned to the circular file...