May, 2024
April, 2023
February, 2023
October, 2022
- Free Guy, Act 2, Scene 3: A Masterclass in the Power of Dialogue
- Aliens Don't Need Patience. They Probably Have Something Stronger.
September, 2022
- Free Guy gave me ALL the feels
- [Review] The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows, by Olivia Waite
- [Review] The Space Between Us, by Megan Hart
November, 2021
October, 2021
May, 2021
February, 2021
September, 2020
June, 2020
May, 2020
April, 2020
January, 2020
- Review: Jen Calonita's “Conceal, Don't Feel”
- Romance Is Science Fiction
- Frozen Is a Romance
- Review: And Shall Machines Surrender, by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
December, 2019
October, 2019
July, 2019
May, 2019
April, 2019
March, 2019
December, 2018
- Watching the Brain Eater Rage Within His Gilded Cage
- Meme: Thirty Questions About Writing
- Reasons to Trunk a Novel: No Theme or Premise
- Honest Impulses, a Post-Mortem
October, 2018
August, 2018
July, 2018
June, 2018
February, 2018
January, 2018
December, 2017
October, 2017
September, 2017
- Logical, alive, and slightly to the left of wicked.
- How To Break A Closed Heart: Seanan McGuire's “Every Heart a Doorway”
July, 2017
- Pursuing the audience that wants rougher, less consensual sex
- Give your character false goals at first.
- Diluting the Premise, or Adding to the Awesome?
- A bit of a work in progress, “After The Revolution.”
June, 2017
- New Story! “Sterlings: Press Release.”
- Iain M. Banks was 'The Next Tolkien.'
- I never have perfect ideas, but I often write good stories!
May, 2017
April, 2017
- The painter's house is never painted, the cobbler's children go without shoes
- Good writers explain. Great writers tell stories.
January, 2017
November, 2016
August, 2016
June, 2016
April, 2016
February, 2016
December, 2015
October, 2015
September, 2015
July, 2015
- The missing scene from Yowlers
- “I've always loved dogs.”
- The Star Kingdom of Arendelle is finished. Blessed be.
April, 2015
January, 2015
October, 2014
August, 2014
March, 2014
February, 2014
- Disney vs. the Beat Sheet
- Why I love fanfic writers...
- The hot scene missing from every 50 Shades of Grey clone
December, 2013
October, 2013
September, 2013
May, 2013
April, 2013
March, 2013
December, 2012
October, 2012
July, 2012
May, 2012
January, 2012
October, 2011
September, 2011
- Only erotica and George Lucas have celebration scenes
- Showing Too Much.
- When will it be okay to write gay villains again?
- Good news, and apologies...
- Nicholson Baker, House Of Holes
- New Story: Journal Entry 129 / 1694, “Gabriel”
- Character names, a nifty trick for getting them right in contemporary writing
July, 2011
May, 2011
June, 2010
May, 2010
March, 2010
- Absolutely the best writing advice available today.
- Fixed that bug...
- The new trailer for Tron Legacy is out.
- On where to put your black swans.
- New Story, “Fortune Cookie.”
February, 2010
January, 2010
- Three Things For Today.
- Review: Jeanette Winterson, The Stone Gods
- New Story! And bonus stories by others!
December, 2009
- The Lead, And How to Swing It
- Annoyed at myself for being annoyed at myself for being annoyed at myself...
- Why I'm mad about it...
- A premature book review: Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods
- This years Literary Bad Sex awards are out!
- New Story: Bujumbura 1994
November, 2009
October, 2009
September, 2009
- New engine installed...
- Taking catgirls seriously...
- Knowing when to stop.
- Truer words were never written
- The agony of metadata...
August, 2009
April, 2009
March, 2009
- “Murder your darlings...”
- Rainforest Writer's Retreat and a lack of self-discovery
- Gone to my happy place.
- 2800 words today.
February, 2009
- Review: Iain Banks Matter
- A writing post-mortem
- Storyboarding A Novel with Post-It Notes
- Getting caught up.
- Iain Banks, Matter (the beginning)
January, 2009
- Back in the groove, for a moment...
- The Theory of Fun: A valuable resource for science fiction writers.
- Bubble, bubble: What to do when there's no chemistry?
- Personal cliches
- Cut off in mid-idea.
December, 2008
- Do fantasy writers give the night short shrift?
- Petri Dish, Fixed
- How not to do foreshadowing: Karin Huxman's Sea Change
October, 2008
- Dear Muse....
- First draft progress: A Pleasing Shape
- Review: Saturn's Children, by Charlie Stross
- Really odd question...
- I have been remiss... New Stories!
- So, Muse walks onto the trading floor and has an analogy...
- The current economic crisis as failed singularity event
- Not a great week, but not a bad week
- My apologies...
- Explaining the Seattle Chill
September, 2008
- The Borderlands of Human/AI Interaction
- I have to admit that I'm finding this a little discomfitting...
- When a writer has it bad...
- If X is Y, then...
- Time and space to think
- Ack! New stories!
- How to write (really)
August, 2008
- Sorry about that...
- New Story, “Razing Castles!”
- Muse and I, Sittin' In A Tree
- Defining Deviancy Up: The Red Rose Conviction
- I've still got. It doesn't go away.
- Writing without interruption
- New Story: Kaede & Eshi, Connected Together
- New stories: A dweam within a dweam!
July, 2008
June, 2008
May, 2008
April, 2008
February, 2008
- The Medium Shapes The Messenger: Authorial Voice And The Mode Of Writing
- The Mystic Treefort series has been posted to 'Short Stories and Ephemera'
December, 2007
October, 2007
September, 2007
August, 2007
- New Story: Polly & Tere
- As promised: Polly and Saul
- I am so gonna ruin your childhood.
- How bizarre!
- Post-novel depression
- Sterling progress
July, 2007
June, 2007
May, 2007
April, 2007
- Pixel-stained technopeasant gives away story, destroys market for SF Erotica.
- Pluck me!
- Is it burnout? That I'm 40? That I'm a dad?